Purchase AROMIO Immunity Support Essential Oil Mixture 1298 at 449 руб — Faberlic Online Store.

Weight: 5 g

Aromatherapy is the science and the wellness method using essential oils.

Cold Season Natural Oil Mix is developed for application during the season of colds.

Contains pine, lemon gum, crisped-leaved mint, clary, rosemary, Atlas cedar and garden mint essential oils.

Scent: minty and eucalyptus green scent.

General properties:

  • Protects against seasonal threats, activates internal resources and boosts up the general tone.

Cosmetic properties:

  • Enhances the skin barrier function
  • Restores the skin after the negative impact of the environment.
  • Increases the skin quality, tone and elasticity.

Read the instructions carefully before use.

Please note that the colour of the caps can be either black or white.

Made for JSC Faberlic, located at 4, Nikolopolskaya str., Moscow, Russia.
Made in:: Russia

Pinus Sylvestris Leaf Oil, Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil, Mentha Arvensis Herb Oil, Salvia Sclarea Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Oil, Cedrus Atlantica Bark Oil, Mentha Spicata Leaf/Stem Oil, Limonene*, Linalool*.
*ingredients of essential oils.

A scented bath: stir 4-6 drops of the essential oil mixture into 1 tablespoon of any thick oil (sunflower, almond, olive, etc) or with 1 teaspoon of a shower gel/bath foam with a neutral scent. Add the resulting mixture into water (36-37°C). Take the bath for 10-20 minutes. Use 2-3 drops of the mixture for elderly people.

Aromatherapy massage: mix the essential oils blend with a carrier oil or a massage cream in the proportion of 3-4 drops of the blend for 1 tablespoon of the base. Use the freshly prepared mixture for massage. Carry on massage for 10-20 minutes. For topical rubbing, mix the essential oils blend with a fatty cream in the proportion of 3-4 drops of the blend for 1 tablespoon of the base. Massage into the chest or back area with circular, intense strokes.

Enrichment of care products: use neutral daily care products: a face/body cream, a shower gel, a shampoo. Add 1-2 drops of the oil mixture immediately before use to a dose of your daily care. Don't add the oil mixture directly to a jar or a bottle containing a cosmetic product. Don't use the oil mixture before going to the sun.

Aroma diffuser: add few drops of the essential oil mixture to a aroma lamp or aroma diffuser (2-3 for 10 m2). The duration of the aromatherapeutic session is 30 minutes.

Rubbing massage: mix the essential oils blend with a fatty cream in the proportion of 3-4 drops of the blend for 1 tablespoon of the base. Massage into the chest or back area with circular, intense strokes.

Precautions: carefully read the manual. Make an individual idiosyncrasy test before the first application. For external use only. Don't apply pure, undissolved oils to the skin! Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

Warning: do not use during pregnancy, while breastfeeding or with idiosyncrasy. In case of serious chronic conditions, consult your physician.

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масло отличное, не знаю повышает иммунитет, но когда я простыл оно отлично помогло.
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