Cover girl! A new product from catalogue № 3 | Faberlic

Dreaming of a flawlessly smooth skin? Make it look perfect even in poorly-lit photos, without any retouches or filters. Use the new product from catalogue № 3 – Excelsior Blur Face Cream* (1032).

The cream’s actions are based on Microphantom technology – a combination of elastomeric balls and pigmental bases. These tiny particles diffuse light in different directions, like the silver umbrellas photographers use, and hide pores and wrinkles, making your skin visually smooth and flawless.

· Experience an instant transformation: the cream hides pores and wrinkles, evens out complexion and adds a matt finish.
· Can be used to create any makeup style without adding the mask effect.
· Stays on the skin as a transparent airy film which does not dry skin or prevent it from breathing.
· Immediately refines skin texture and nourishes skin throughout the day.

Features the oxygen-based Novaftem-O2® Complex and Vitamin A for intensive skin regeneration.