Keep your spirits up! New products from catalogue № 3 | Faberlic

Now when waking up to a ringing alarm there is no reason to complain about having to get up early. Smile to yourself and think about the wonderful new day. And this new day will be even better if it starts with a delicious aromatic beverage.

Meet the new products from catalogue № 3 – invigourating coffee or cacao. Featuring plenty of useful qualities, they are bound to keep you in a good mood.

1. Drive Instant Coffee (15336) – is the best way to get a quick energy boost. Apart from coffee, the drink’s formula contains Rhodiola rosea and guarana extracts famous for their anti-fatigue properties.

Rhodiola rosea (the golden root) improves endurance, performance and mental abilities. In addition, it is known to be a powerful antioxidant.

· Recommended for people engaged in work and studies which require high concentration.
· Normalizes the body’s metabolism.
· Improves work capacity and endurance.

2. Silhouette Instant Coffee (15335) – is a lucky find for those who watch their waistline. The formula contains Garcinia Cambogia extract which helps to burn fat. In addition, it accelerates primary and secondary digestion. Chromium picollinate helps to reduce appetite and improves metabolism. Horsetail is an excellent detoxifier.

If you follow the recommendations of the Weight Management Programme, drink coffee a maximum of twice a day (in the first half of the day) during the first week. Starting from the second week and further, drink one packet per day. For those who do not follow the Programme, we recommend drinking coffee a maximum of twice a day in the first half of the day. Add milk, if desired.

Due to the wide range of mineral nutrients (calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese), vitamins (B1–B3, A, E, C) and other useful chemical compounds, cacao has many benefits. It contains a small amount of caffeine, but compensates this with other stimulants: theophylline intensifies the activity of the central nervous system, theobromine improves work capacity, phenylethylamine enhances the mood.

New products from catalogue № 3:

3. Cacao (15337). Add milk, if desired. Drink up to 2 cups a day, preferably in the first half of the day.

· Perfect for those who watch their waistline (contains Garcinia Cambogia extract).
· Promotes the production of serotonin – the “feel-good” brain chemical.
· Helps to regain strength after physical exercise and excessive fatigue.

4. Delicate Cacao (15338). 

an invigorating morning drink for adults and school-age children alike. Drink once or twice a day, preferably in the first half of the day.

Apart from the other useful properties, this drink fortifies the immune system due to milk whey. Its vitamin-and-mineral complex is ingested easily, resulting in a positive effect upon the digestive tract.