Floral breeze for your skin! New product from the catalogue #9 | Faberlic

Summer is associated with freedom: long holidays and long-awaited vacations, as well as light dresses and gorgeous sandals, starry nights, sun, sea and clear sky.

Flowers are also the symbol of summer. They decorate the world with bold colours, precious scents, make you feel joyful.

New addition to our floral collection in the catalogue #9 — peony and lily. Try our new products:

  1. Antiperspirant with powder effect (8568). Freshness for 48 hours*. Skin becomes soft, silky and matte — like after using powder.

  2. Scented soap (8567). 

    Gentle and delicate cleansing for your skin.

* Based on results of consumer study held by Step by Step company, 2016.