Perfect solution! New product from the catalogue #10 | Faberlic

In summer even open shoes not always can solve the problem of sweaty feet. And you need to feel comfortable at work or outdoors, visiting your friends or the gym, hiking and travelling!
In summer even open shoes not always can solve the problem of sweaty feet. And you need to feel comfortable at work or outdoors, visiting your friends or the gym, hiking and travelling! Nothing should spoil these warm days.
Our new product from the catalogue #10 — Expert Pharma antiperspirant foot cream with talc effect and cooling menthol (1642—helps you solve this problem.

This product regulates feet perspiration so you can feel fresh and comfortable throughout the day. Has cooling and energizing effect, relieves heavy legs. Provides complex feet care, makes your skin soft and supple.
This cream easily absorbs and doesn't leave traces on your clothes and shoes.