Change for the best! New product from the catalogue #10 | Faberlic

Sometimes you want to change something dramatically: job, living place, surrounding. Just turn over a new leaf, go to the edge of the world — and come as it may! In that case start with something small and then decide whether you need more serious changes.

You can start with your appearance — for example, hair colour. If your fear that you can regret about changing colour later or it won't look good on you, select not for permanent hair dye but for gradually washed-off colouring shampoo. New product from our catalogue #10 is your choice!

Krasa Concentrated colouring & conditioning shampoo (8355-8358) is free of aggressive pigments and keeps colour for 6-8 washes. It can be used to enrich your natural hair colour and renew colour of dyed hair.

This shampoo contains caring ingredients that give your hair glossy shine and provide perfect conditioning effect! Shades: Mellow Cherry (8355); Golden Copper (8356); Hazelnut (8357); Pink Pearl (8358).

Change yourself to change the world around you!