For health and comfort! NEW PRODUCTS of catalogue № 12! | Faberlic

The hustle and bustle of our everyday life leaves no time for minor troubles, such as a blister rubbed with the new breathtaking shoes, or bleeding gums... If these problems do not stay away from you, try the new products of catalogue № 13: a stick pencil (1695) and oxygen-based prophylactic toothpaste “Healing Herbs” (2255). You will certainly appreciate their effectiveness!

Stick pencil (1695) protects your feet against rubbing. Apply it to places which are exposed to blister formation. This is the must-have to pair with the beautiful new shoes which you have not stretched yet by wearing. The stick pencil is colorless, which means you don’t need to worry about stains on skin and shoes.

“Healing Herbs” toothpaste (2255) freshens breath and maintains your smile beautiful. It removes dental plaque thoroughly and gently. The toothpaste formula comprises chamomile, St. John’s wort and bay willow which produce an overall strengthening, toning and regenerating effect, as well as thymol – a natural antiseptic agent known for its antimicrobic action.