Purchase Faberlic Home Wet Wipes for Leather 30551 at 119 руб — Faberlic Online Store.
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Weight: 114 g


Mildly and delicately care for and cleanse various natural leather items: interior items and furniture, bags, belts, gloves, jackets, shoes.

The special emulsion carefully removes soils, polishes and softens leather surfaces. Preserves the intensity and body of colours, protects leather against drying and cracking.

Wipes do not leave smears, fibres and the greasy film. Bring back the initial gloss.


  • Delicately cleanse, protect and polish leather items.
  • Give softness and shine.
  • Protect the natural skin against cracks and early wear-off.
  • Contain the antibacterial ingredient.
  • Recommended for regular cleansing of bags and shoes.
  • Have the neutral pH level - use without gloves.
  • Do not leave fibres and smears.


  • Silicone polymer (emulsion) softens and smooths the natural leather, gives a shine and a well-groomed look, protects against drying and cracking.
  • Natural starch- and coconut butter-based NAEI (cocoglucoside) quickly soaks up the surface and provides for easy cleaning, mildly removes outdoor dust and common soils.
  • The organic solvent (isopropanol) dissolves greasy soils and supports quick drying of the surface.
  • The antibacterial ingredient (cationic surfactant) has antibacterial properties, supports hygienic cleanness.
  • The fragrant composition (fragrance) brings the nice refreshing scent.
  • Citric acid (organic acid) supports the neutral acid-basic balance (pH) that is optimal for cleaning the natural leather.

Shelf life: 24 months from the manufacturing date on the package.

Package: 30 pcs.

Made for JSC Faberlic, located at 4, Nikolopolskaya str., Moscow, Russia.
Made in:: Russia

Ingredients: unwoven material, soaking lotion
Ingredients of the soaking lotion: more than 30% of water, less than 5%: silicone emulsion, starch and coconut butter-based cocoglucoside, fragrance, cationic surfactant (antibacterial ingredient), citric acid.

How to use: open the package by peeling the front sticker off. Take out the wipe and closely seal the package to prevent other wipes from drying out.

Precautions: for the intended use only! Keep away from children. Warning! Can cause harm when swallowed. Causes irritation when in contact with eyes. If comes into contact with eyes, carefully rinse eyes with pure water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if you wear them and if it is easy to do. Continue rinsing.
Do not use as a personal hygiene item. Do not flush into a toilet!

Storage requirements: keep away from direct sunlight and heaters at a temperature of +5 °C to +25 °C, away from children. Wet wipes freeze at the temperature below 0°C and preserve their consumer properties after defrosting.

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Angelina M.
Если салфетки для кожаных изделий , то только ФАБЕРЛИК!!!
Nadezhda K.
Отличные салфетки для изделий из кожи! Пожалуйста, верните их в продажу! очень хочется их приобрести ещё и с запасом!
Anna S.
Пользуюсь много лет. Чищу обувь, сумки, перчатки... Лучше не встречала ничего!
El'Vina N.
Даже не вспомню, как давно начала их заказывать. Кожаные сумки и обувь приводят в форму превосходно, блеск и мягкость сохраняются надолго, пыль не липнет к изделию.
Elena M.
Салфетки превосходные! Ухаживают, придают блеск всем изделиям и из натуральной, и из экокожи. Я ими пользуюсь уже более 5 лет. Они всесезонные. И обувь, и перчатки, и кошельки, и дамские сумочки выглядят ухоженно и как новые. Очень рекомендую к использованию.
Aleksandra G.
Они идеальны. Беру второй год для обуви. Она после салфеток как новая, даже кожзам.
Larisa K.
Отличные влажные салфетки! Протираю обувь, одной салфетки хватает на две пары обуви. Обувь как новая! Понравились, буду брать!
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