Purchase Faberlic Home Universal Wet Wipes 30550 at 119 руб — Faberlic Online Store.
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Weight: 113 g


Easily and quickly remove fresh dust, stains and soils from any solid washable surfaces at home, office, in a car.

The special cleansing emulsion contains the antibacterial ingredient and provides for hygienic cleanness.

Wipes are recommended for the care for floors, tabletops, furniture fronts and details, interior items, window frames, window sills, a car dashboard, tiles, plastic, natural and wooden surfaces. Give a light natural shine.

Give a light delicate scent.


  • Remove dust, dirt, grease, fur, household allergens.
  • Contain the antibacterial ingredient.
  • Cleanse without traces, streaks and smears.
  • To use in a kitchen, bathroom, living and children rooms, a car.
  • Have the neutral pH level - use without gloves.
  • Do not need rinsing off.


  • The organic alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) quickly dissolves and removes dried soils, contributes to even distribution and quick evaporation of the product, does not leave traces and streaks on glass surfaces.
  • Natural starch- and coconut butter-based NAEI (cocoglucoside) quickly soaks up the surface, easily removes grease, outdoor dust and common soils.
  • The antibacterial ingredient (cationic surfactant) has antibacterial properties, supports hygienic cleanness.
  • The fragrant composition (the fragrance including the fragrant component - benzyl salicylate) gives a light refreshing scent.
  • Citric acid (organic acid) supports the neutral acid-basic balance (pH) of the product.

Shelf life: 24 months from the manufacturing date on the package.

Package: 30 pcs.

Made for JSC Faberlic, located at 4, Nikolopolskaya str., Moscow, Russia.
Made in:: Russia

Ingredients: unwoven material, soaking lotion.

Ingredients of the soaking lotion: more than 30% of water, less than 5%: isopropanol, starch and coconut butter-based cocoglucoside, cationic surfactant (antibacterial ingredient), citric acid, benzyl salicylate.

How to use: open the package by peeling the front sticker off. Take out the wipe and closely seal the package to prevent other wipes from drying out. Wipe the soiled surface and let it dry.

Storage requirements: keep away from direct sunlight and heaters at a temperature of +5 °C to +25 °C, away from children. Wet wipes freeze at the temperature below 0°C and preserve their consumer properties after defrosting.

For the intended use only! Keep away from children. Warning! Can cause harm when swallowed. Causes irritation when in contact with eyes. If comes into contact with eyes, carefully rinse eyes with pure water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if you wear them and if it is easy to do. Continue rinsing. If wipes are used on natural wooden surfaces, test them on a small spot: small smears can be left depending of the texture of wood.

Do not use as a personal hygiene item. Do not flush into a toilet!

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Ol'Ga S.
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Житковичи г.
спасибо большое Вам. отличные они.,. советую...
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очень нравятся,отлично выполняют свои функции на любых поверхностях.!и с приятным запахом
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