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Girls have evolved from cats! We walk where we want, we charm people around us with our gentleness, we live to play. We are too lovely to be refused our occasional mischiefs and fancies.
Want to let your "inner cat" out?
Mur Mur Eau de Parfum for Women was created exclusively for Faberlic by the renowned French perfumer Bertrand Duchaufour.
Fragrance: Soft Creamy Gourmand with Coconut Notes.
Sweet as life itself. Gentle as a cat. Charge yourself with a playful mood, sprinkled with the sweetness of coconut. Indulge in a little mischief of the luxury of creamy caramel and white chocolate. Leave the flirtatious trail, woven from vanilla and musk. Voila, everything around you turns to mur-mur!
Main notes: Coconut, Creamy Caramel, White Chocolate.
Mur Mur’s fragrance pyramid:
Top notes: Sweet Orange, Coconut Flower, Alpine Violet.
Middle notes: Coconut, Creamy Caramel, Cotton Flower, White Chocolate.
Base notes: Vanilla, Musk, White Moss.
Packaging: Spray Bottle 50 mL (1.7 fl. oz.).
Shelf life: 5 years from the manufacture date (see the packaging).
How to Apply Your Fragrance Properly?
The aromatic notes of your fragrance will sound their best when applied to your pulse (or heat) points:
Your hair may also help retain the fragrance for a longer time. Spray on the back of your head and on the sides of your neck by holding the bottle 8–15 cm (3–6 in) away from your skin.
If you’re wearing a dress, you can dab the fragrance on the back of your knees and spray it onto the bottom, folded edge of your dress to further extend the fragrance’s trail left behind you.
Another option is to spray the fragrance upwards into the air, to create a cloud of the scent, and to walk through the misty cloud before putting on clothes.
How to Choose a Fragrance?
Rule 1. Do not try out too many fragrances at once: Only 3–4 fragrances may be sufficient. Otherwise, you may risk overloading your olfactory bulb, which is not used to such a workout. Try to give each fragrance its own proper shot so that you can remember them afterwards.
Rule 2. Do not smell the fragrance directly from its bottle or tester bottle, or from its bottle cap. Instead, use a blotter strip or just a clean tissue to test the scent. Spray the fragrance of your choice onto your skin from a distance to understand what you are smelling and whether this smell agrees with you. The same fragrance sounds differently on different people.
Rule 3. Do not rush to buy the first fragrance you like. Walk around with the fragrance on to see how the scent evolves after several hours. Be sure to make your choice after you have experienced the fragrance on your skin evolved over time.
Rule 4. When choosing a fragrance, make sure to consider the climate where you live or the weather conditions on a particular day, as well as your social situation or setting. Opt for a delicate, subdued scent on a humid, warm day when the aroma would spread faster than in cold, dry weather. Consider fresh and light aromas for the summer and richer scents for cooler fall and winter months. At work, in an office setting, you may want to wear a mild, discreet fragrance, whereas for a romantic night out, you can try a brighter, stronger scent to make an indelible impression on your date.
Rule 5. Make sure to have fun when shopping for a fragrance. The pleasure of new aromas will be the best guide in your discovery of your next new fragrance.
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12.02.2025 Суперрррр!!! Муррррр! очень зашёл аромат!!, Даже не думала..😺😺😺 |
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