Purchase Stimulator, DENAS-VERTEBRA 15734 at 39999 руб — Faberlic Online Store.
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Weight: 498 g

The DENAS-VERTEBRA Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulator for Lumbar Area is a compact helper for you and your back.

The DENAS-VERTEBRA is used for dynamic electrical and neural stimulation of reflexogenic zones in the lumbar area for medical and preventive purposes:

  • emergency aid and course treatment at acute and chronic pain in the lumbar area
  • prevention of the lumbar pain at high static strains
  • symptomatic and course treatment and men's and women's sexual diseases
  • course treatment of vascular diseases in legs and feet.

Net weight of the device: 350 +/- 100 g.

The remote control: 65 +/- 20 g.

Gross weight of the medical device: max.1200 g.

The shelf life: 3 years.

The warranty storage period: 2 years.

The warranty operational period: 12 months.

Made for JSC Faberlic, located at 4, Nikolopolskaya str., Moscow, Russia.
Made in:: Russia

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Tatyana S.
Довольна, что заказала аппарат. Пользуюсь, когда сильная усталость, тянет ноги, хочется массаж. Приятнейшие ощущения. Микротоковая процедура. После процедур энергия, хороший сон, расслабление... Аппарат себя уже окупил много раз.
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