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FABERLIC Pour Toujours is a very special fragrance. It was created exclusively for the wedding day of Alexey Nechaev, President of Faberlic, and his spouse Elena, and was presented to the guests as a gift to remember that exciting and happy event.
The guests liked the fragrance so much that they kept thanking Elena and Alexey for that unusual gift for quite some time after. After a few months, their friends began to wonder if they could get another bottle with the gift fragrance. This is how the Pour Toujours fragrance turned up on Faberlic catalogue pages. Each bottle is accompanied by a greeting card from the President of Faberlic and his wife.
The Pour Toujours fragrance could only appear in Paris, the city of love. The Pour Toujours name also came into being there and it means "forever". These words are traditionally said at wedding ceremonies in France
Elena and Alexey are sure that true love is not so much a romantic passion but a special quiet feeling of serene happiness. They wanted to convey these feelings in their Pour Toujours wedding fragrance.
FABERLIC Pour Toujours fragrance was created especially for Faberlic by a French perfumerNejla Barbir.
The fragrance: a green, floral and citrus fragrance.
The Bride's wedding fragrance attire was woven from the gleaming shine of top citrusy and green notes emphasised by the finest lacy fruit nuances. The floral notes of a fragile lily of the valley, a charming iris and an exquisite rose at the heart of the fragrance are like a delicate touch of airy silks the Bride is waltzing in as she is anticipating her long-desired moment. The streaming amber and musky trail allures with its appealing elegance.
Fragrance pyramid of Faberlic Pour Toujours Eau de Parfum:
Top notes: bergamot, mandarin, lemon, green notes.
Heart notes: rose, jasmine, lily of the valley, iris, pine-apple, pear.
Trail: cedarwood, musk, amber.
Package: available in a 50 ml spray bottle.
Shelf life: 5 years from the manufacturing date.
Ingredients : ethyl alcohol, water, perfume composition.
How to apply a fragrance?
The scent reveals itself best where blood pulsates:
Hair holds the fragrance well, so it can be sprayed on the neck or back of your head.
If you want a splendid fragrant trail, you can apply the fragrance under your knees and inside your dress border.
Finally, we recommend that you spray the fragrance upwards and enter into this cloud.
How to choose a fragrance?
Rule 1. Do not try many fragrances at once. Try 3-4 fragrances, this way you avoid mixing them and can remember the scent.
Rule 2. Do not spray the fragrance into the bottle cap. Do not smell the fragrance directly from the bottle or test sample. Spray it to a blotter or a clean tissue. Having chosen the fragrance this way, spray it on your skin to feel how it reveals itself on your skin. The same fragrance can smell different on you and your friend.
Rule 3 Do not buy a fragrance after the very first impression. Wear it for a while, wait for the heart notes (for 15-30 min.) that will follow you during the day after the most unstable top notes wear off, and only then make your choice.
Rule 4. Take the weather, climate, and situation into account. Remember that humid warm air spreads fragrances better than cold and dry air. Discreet fragrances are universal, while vibrant and strong ones are not always good for an office or a beach. But the latter will not go unnoticed on a romantic date.
Rule 5.Turn choosing a fragrance into a pleasure. Good mood is the best helper in such a serious endeavour as choosing a fragrance.
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