Purchase Faberlic Home Wet Wipes for Screens and Monitors 30249 at 119 руб — Faberlic Online Store.
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Weight: 122 g



Easily cleanse any screens, displays and plasma panels from dust, grease, fingerprints.

The emulsion with the antistatic effect provides prolonged cleanness and protects surfaces against quick new soiling.

Wipes are recommended for daily delicate care for smartphone, tablet, telephone, laptop, home TV, LCD/TFT-screens, plasma panels as well as for cleaning optics, photo- and video cameras, glass surfaces, copy machines and scanners, plastic parts of displays, keyboards and mouses.


  • They quickly and effectively protect against dust, dirt, finger traces.
  • Do not leave fibres and smears.
  • Discharge static electricity.
  • Protect against quick dust sticking.
  • Recommended for all types of screens, smartphones, home appliances and video gadgets, optics, glass.


  • The organic alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) quickly dissolves and removes dried soils, contributes to even distribution and quick evaporation of the product, does not leave traces and streaks on sensitive and glossy surfaces.
  • Natural coconut butter-based NAEI (decyl glycoside) quickly soaks up the surface, easily removes grease, outdoor dust and common soils.
  • The preservative prevents the growth of pathogens in the product during the shelf life.
  • The fragrant composition (fragrance) brings the nice refreshing scent.

Shelf life: 36 months from the manufacturing date on the package.

Package: 30 pcs.

Made for JSC Faberlic, located at 4, Nikolopolskaya str., Moscow, Russia.
Made in:: Russia

Ingredients: unwoven material, soaking lotion.

Ingredients of the soaking lotion: more than 30% of demineralised water, 5-15% of isopropranol, less than 5%: coconut butter-based decyl glucoside, preservative, fragrance.

Open the package by peeling the front sticker off. Take out the wipe and closely seal the package to prevent other wipes from drying out. Wipe the soiled surface and let it dry. Carefully read recommendations of the device's manufacturer before use

Storage requirements: keep away from direct sunlight and heaters at a temperature of +5 °C to +25 °C, away from children. Wet wipes freeze at the temperature below 0°C and preserve their consumer properties after defrosting.

For the intended use only! Keep away from children. Warning! Can cause harm when swallowed. Causes irritation when in contact with eyes. If comes into contact with eyes, carefully rinse eyes with pure water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if you wear them and if it is easy to do. Continue rinsing.
Do not use as a personal hygiene item. Do not flush into a toilet!

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Manzura A.
Салфетки супер пятно от жевачки в шкафах лехко протерла 😍👍
Ekaterina I.
Прекрасные салфетки! Удаляют загрязнения с монитора, телевизора, очищают телефон. Даже использовала не по назначению : прекрасно ими протирать зеркала и стеклянные поверхности. 5👍
Alina B.
Гродно г.
салфетки просто супер. идеально удаляют загрязнения с телефона. Рекомендую к покупке.
Natal'ya S.
Отличные салфетки! Экран телевизора и компьютера очистили на ура! Жирные пятна, пятна от пальцев. Нет ворса. Рекомендую к покупке
Yuliya F.
Просто отличные салфетки! Размер не маленький и хорошо пропитаны. Сын оставил жирные отпечатки на телевизоре всё отмылось без следа и не оставляет ворсинок! 30 штук за такую цену просто находка!!!
Elena F.
на самом деле очень не плохие салфетки,да ещё и по такой не большой стоимости
Svetlana Y.
отличные салфетки!
Ol'Ga C.
Витебск г.
Классная штука. Стоят как фикспрайсовские, но очищают в разы лучше!
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