Purchase Signum 13 Osteoprotector 15827 at 4999 руб — Faberlic Online Store.

Weight: 29 g

Signum 13 bone health agent is a comprehensive product that is applied for prevention of musculo-skeletal illnesses. Promotes supporting of sufficient mineral density of bones, process of restoration of cartilage and bone tissue, protection of joints and cartilages from destructive age-related changes, heavy loads or metabolic disorders. Activating thymus function, it supports function of immune system. Biologic activity of the product is due to its ingredients and their synergetic effect. Clinical studies were carried out among patients with osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis. Application by patients with osteoarthrosis of knee joints promoted decreasing of pain syndrome and increasing of joint mobility in 67% of cases. Application by patients with osteochondrosis of lumbar spine in the setting of comprehensive therapy promoted decreasing of pain syndrome in 53.9% of cases.

Scope of application: dietary supplement is recommended as an additional source of vitamins B1, B2, B3 (PP), В4, Е, D2, D3, С, K, terpenoids, Omega-3 (alpha-linoleic), Omega-6 (linoleic), Omega-9 (oleic acid) fatty acids.

Therapeutic Indications: prevention of musculo-skeletal diseases, supporting mineral density of bones, restoration of cartilage and bone tissue, protection of joints and cartilages from destructive changes, supporting immune system.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to ingredients, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Consult your physician before use.

Packaging: 90 pcs.

Keep out of reach of children, at temperature from +15 to +25ºС and relative air humidity no more than 60%.

Shelf life: 2 years from manufacturing date specified on packaging.

Conformity Declaration

Made for JSC Faberlic, located at 4, Nikolopolskaya str., Moscow, Russia.
Made in:: Russia

Signum 13 peptide complex, cedar oil, cedar oleoresin, walnut oil, sabelnik extract, natural fullerenes, bee venom. Auxiliary substances: gelatin capsule (gelatin, glycerin), antioxidant grindox (ascorbyl palmitate, natural concentrate of a mixture of tocopherols, lecithin, rapeseed oil).

Composition in details:

Peptide complex Signum 13

The complex of peptide bioregulators has a tissue-specific regulatory effect on joints and cartilage, contribute to the restoration of functions to a physiologically optimal level, preventing the development of pathological conditions.

Pine Nut Oil

Promotes the regulation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, improves the absorption of calcium. It has a strengthening effect on bone tissue and musculoskeletal system, accelerates the restoration of limb functions after fractures, sprains and bruises. Normalizes the immune system, increases the body's defenses, promotes the restoration of damaged cells.

Improves vascular tone, maintains healthy cholesterol in the blood, normalizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Improves blood composition, helps to cope with anemia, increases the production of red blood cells. It has a positive effect on blood circulation, which in turn has a positive effect on the brain and heart slave. Promotes epithelization of mucous membranes, which is especially important in erosive gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Improves metabolic processes, normalizes the production of enzymes by the pancreas.

Cedar gum (turpentine)

Group of secondary metabolites synthesised by epithelial cells of gum ducts of Siberian cedar. Have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and anti-bacterial properties. Contains enkephalins and endorphins, promotes pain relief.

Have hepatoprotective effect and chemopreventive acticity against cancer of breast, skin, liver, lungs, and stomach. Useful for healing cardiovascular and nervous system diseases. Decrease level of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood plasma.

Walnut oil

Walnut oil contains the following vitamins: vitamin В4 (cholin), vitamin Е (alpha-tocopherol), vitamin К (phylloquinone). The product contains palmitic and stearic saturated farry acids, palmitoleic, oleic (omega-9), gadoleic (omega-9) mono unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic, linolenic polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, phytosterols.
It helps to eliminate joint inflammation, replenish collagen reserves, and prevents the destruction of cartilage. Has positive effect of hair, skin, and nails condition. It is an excellent antioxidant, fights free radicals and slows down the natural aging processes.

Decreases risk of malignant tumours, promotes burns and wounds healing. Helps healing respiratory illnesses including bronchitis, asthma, and tuberculosis. Promotes healing psoriasis, furunculosis, eczema and many other skin diseases with inflammatory factor.
Normalises arterial pressure, has positive effect on cardiovascular system, helps preventing hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. Lowers sugar level and does not result in abrupt glucose changes, that is why it is recommended for people with diabetes type two. Improves kidney function, promotes their soft cleaning.

Restores liver at cellular level, helps healing acute and chronic hepatitis. Has a mild laxative effect Has positive effect on digestive system, helps healing epigastric burning, gastritis with increased acidity, ulcers, colitis, cholecystitis, normalises thyroid gland function. Has positive effect on urogenital system function, helps relieving symptoms of kidney stone disease. Promotes decorporation of radionuclides, cancerogens from organism.

Improves nervous system and brain function, normalises sleep. Potentiates blood circulation in hip and has positive effect on sexual vigor, activates spermiation and fights male infertility. Normalises endocrine profile, relieves symptoms during menstruation and climax. Helps preventing formation and development of breast cancer. The product potentiates blood circulation within genital system, normalises menstruation and increases chance of getting pregnant several times. Helps getting rid of toxicosis during pregnancy, promotes normal intrauterine growth of the future kid, and is a perfect prevention of many congenital pathologies, easily digested by organism and is useful for elimination of obesity.

Sabelnik Extract

It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, improves the functional state of the musculoskeletal system; reduces the severity of the inflammatory process; improves joint mobility; reduces joint swelling.

It is used in the complex therapy of arthritis and arthrosis, gently treats joints without damaging the gastric mucosa, enhances the effect of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and reduces their daily dose when taken together.

Natural fullerenes

They are biological antioxidants, actively binding and inactivating free radicals. The main advantage of using fullerenes as medical antioxidants is their ability to be localized inside mitochondria and in other compartments where free radicals are produced. They protect the cells of articular structures from various toxins that cause apoptotic damage to the synovial membrane.
They are used for the prevention and correction of ischemic injuries, have neuroprotective properties and can be useful in the treatment of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Lou Gehrig's diseases. Blockers of allergic inflammations also manifest themselves as antitumor drugs. Promote the delivery of drugs to cells and tissues.

Bee venom (apitoxin)

Under the action of bee venom peptides (melittin), blood vessels rapidly expand, blood circulation and tissue nutrition improve, biochemical reactions in cells and metabolism in general are activated, which is a favorable background for eliminating pathological processes and restoring articular cartilage.
The apamine peptide stimulates the secretion of the adrenal hormone cortisol, a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and analgesic agent.

The peptide adolapin enhances the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

The enzyme hyaluronidase contained in apitoxin destroys hyaluronic acid, which attracts water to itself, which leads to the elimination of edema and pain.

Adults: 2 capsules 2 times a day during meals within a month. The course is recommended every 3 months.

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Ekaterina S.
Рано конечно говорить о больных коленях в 40 лет, но колени болели при спуске с лестницы, при приседании и довольно сильно, пропив два курса сигнума, я забыла про боль уже как на пол года - очень действенный препарат! рекомендую всем.
Elena A.
Отлично действует на всю систему опорно -двигательного аппарата. У мужа после давней операции на позвоночнике были частые боли в области позвоночника. После применения он даже подзабыл, где у него болело. Принимаем 2 курс.
Tatyana U.
Уже 2 недели утром и вечером пью по 2 капсулы Signum-13.Раньше даже при ходьбе я испытывала боли в суставах! И благодаря Signum-13 я сейчас каждый день катаюсь на лыжах. Это для меня такое счастье!!! Я благодарю разработчиков и создателей такого замечательного препарата для суставов!!!👏👏👏👏 Всем рекомендую!!!
Elena L.
здравствуйте.хочу оставить отзыв об этом замечательном продукте.баночку еще не допила ,а результат уже на лицо.сколько себя помню всегда болела у меня спина,а здесь еще и кости начали беспокоить,тазобедренные кости так болели,что всю ночь переворачивалась с боку на бок.Теперь утром встаю не как каракатица,а живенько и бодренько!хочу сказать пептиды работают!принимайте с удовольствием и получайте свой результат!!!!
Ol'Ga B.
Продукт работает! Купила маме 64 лет. У нее уже несколько лет проблемы с коленями. Болят, опухают, не сгибаются нормально. Мама пропила только 1 баночку этого чудесного средства. Начала бегать, как молодая. Из огорода не вылезает, хотя раньше не могла себе этого позволить. Боли прошли! Ночами спокойно спит. Блокаду больше делать не собирается. Обязательно еще куплю. Супер средство. Спасибо Фаберлик!
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