фриланс-за-и-противWorking is much easier now. Good managers are already used to the fact that an employee can do everything for the company and spend majority of his time out of their site. Some of us have quitted hired jobs and started their own businesses. Whatever you do for living, remember – it’s never late to start working remotely.

Freelance for beginners, as well as for experienced pros, breaks the pattern of a “regular” career. Looks like it can be built out of the box! So, let’s start with positive things.


1. You can earn everywhere.

To do his job a freelancer doesn’t need to be present in the office. Most important is what you do and how, when and where is less essential.

2. Flexible hours.
You are your own boss and don’t need to ask your manager for a vacation. If you have time and money, why not! When was the last time you went on a holiday trip with no return ticket, having all the rights to stay longer there? Feeling responsible for your own business makes you become extremely self-confident.

3. Your income depends on your efforts.
The world of freelance is ruled by a simple idea: work a lot – earn a lot. You choose how much your work; you can select only well-paid projects. You are a boss and a subordinate at the same time – it helps you take not only advantageous but strategically important decisions that your future may depend on.

4. No stereotypes.
Remote work is suitable for men and women, at any age, any education level and even any health issues. If you work hard and are ready to learn you can’t be stopped on your way to success. It doesn’t matter whether you will do your own business or join a large strong company – only your real investment is what counts.

5. You earn by doing what you like.
You like to draw since you were a child – you can build a designer career. Handy with a needle – open your home atelier. Good in communicating with people – a sales career is open for you. Even if your audience is just your friends, relatives and ex-colleagues, it is enough to settle up and make first steps!


There are two sides of the same coin, although most negative things about freelance are arbitrary and active people consider it a challenge. Still they are what you sometimes regret when leaving your main job.

1. You need to get organized.
This is the first argument that comes to your head when you decide to leave the office. You have strict deadlines and schedules at work. Efficient time management without a boss and your colleagues nearby is a challenging but creative task!

2. No external stimulus.
We are talking about the atmosphere out of the office. How to find energy for creative work or business negotiations when there is a cake in your fridge, your son keeps running around and you have downloaded the new season of your favourite TV show yesterday? All these temptations can be surely overcome – develop your positive motivation, think about tomorrow and dream more.

3. Unstable income.
Regular work means regular payments. During our career we get used to have fixed payments and plan our budget. If you choose freelance you need to take a risk and initially cut your expenses. You can’t hide by the monitor and watch YouTube videos – you need to find clients, partners, new projects, learn internet technologies. But you get rid of a “glass ceiling”: your income won’t be settled by your boss and you can choose how much you’ll earn!

4. You need to learn constantly.
Both positive and negative thing. From one side, your skills can run out of date, from the other – they will improve if you put your soul in your work. To get high income you’ll need to learn secondary skills. You will have to pay for your education yourself but you will be the one who gets all the benefits of it.
