Health-careWhen the cold season comes, it is important to adjust to a new schedule and make up for the lack of sunshine, sleep and vitamins. Your body needs extra care and help. Make sure you provide it with the additional resources for energy restoration, and the morning wake-up ritual will be much easier.

1. Breathe deeply
Excessive fatigue, lack of sleep and the continuous stress, that are so common for the period between seasons, lead to oxygen starvation. The brain cells and the nervous system are out of breath in the literal sense of the word, and you feel an irresistible desire to push all current matters aside and go to bed.

Do not do that! Instead, try some good remedies that are sure to cheer you up. They include physical exercise, warming up, stretching and a cool shower – everything that improves blood circulation and vascular tone. To maintain the beauty of your skin, use oxygen cosmeticsit unlocks the skin’s natural potential, making cells breathe freely.

2. Experience the benefits of aromatherapy

Some scents are able to save you from bad mood and fill with energy. Citrus notes and geranium help to cheer up in the morning, lavender can make you sleep well, melissa eases the nerves. A relaxing or anti-fatigue balm with herbs is useful at the close of a busy day or before an important event. Keep it in your medicine chest or simply take a conveniently sized tube wherever you go.

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3. Revise your eating habits

A continuous fatigue period is not the reason to keep to a strict diet. Do not deny your favorite dainties, simply control the amount of food that you eat in order to keep the body weight normal. Eat the food that brings you joy, but make sure you don’t forget about полезных продуктах! To stay away from the hungry feeling, you need iodine (seafood, nuts and spinach are rich in it), B6 vitamin (crops, citrus fruit, eggs, dairy products) and slow-burning carbs (the time-honored porridge is an excellent morning alternative). Drink more green and herbal tea – that produces soft and long-lasting revitalizing effect..

4. Be in control of the situation

Leave the table with a light post-meal hunger that will save you from getting drowsy after lunch. Replace your traditional snacks with the healthy ones – белковыми коктейлями, flax porridge, kissel with prebiotics. Taste new vegetable and fruit, or take multivitamins, if you have no time for fine gastronomic experiments.

5. Plan a day, week or month ahead

Think well before adding one more item to your daily agenda. Do not waste time doing things that can wait until spring! Take an objective look at your potential and do not undertake the tasks that you won’t be able to accomplish. It is important to feel satisfaction at the end of each new day. In order to achieve that, you should succeed in doing the small volume of things that are essential and find a minute or two for your favorite occupation or hobby.
