Faberlic educationFor 23 years, Faberlic has been growing successfully, delighting millions of people around the world with its unique and innovative products! Faberlic is the only Russian company that has been included in the top 100 world's largest perfumery and cosmetics companies for over 17 years, and we are proud of this achievement!

Faberlic not only creates and improves unique product formulas, but also educates people, helping them become better and more competent in different areas of life. Interactive forms of study, effective methods, practical advice, and assignments expand people's potential, taking them a step higher and even better than they were yesterday.

Faberlic currently offers 4 educational programs:

  • The I'M A MUM social educational project
    Main goal: to form a community of mothers who strive for self-development and new knowledge. Laureate of the 8th annual Best Social Projects in Russia program, in the education category.
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  • Faberlic Fashion & Style School
    (supported by the Lomonosov Moscow State University Fashion Industry Center)
    More than 100 lectures, webinars, and master classes on fashion, makeup, beauty, and social media. Look at the world of Fashion and Style in a new way!
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  • Dietitian School
    You will learn how to create healthy and accurate nutrition programs for different purposes: weight loss, nutritional balance, or weight gain. You will become an expert in dietary supplements, functional nutrition, and sports nutrition.
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  • Course on Instagram promotion
    The whole path of account development. From creation and configuring, to your first sales and stable transaction flow. 9 modules, 24 lessons, and 8 video instructions will help promote your Instagram in just 2 months of training.
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The I'M A MUM social educational project