460х265-news-02-2021 copyWe invite you to join the live broadcast "Quick newsletter in messaging apps". This is a new business tool that will help you interact with your structure by sending messages in messaging apps, including WhatsApp.

Now you can send out a quick newsletter to various target audiences: newcomers, participants in promotions such as Like Faberlic, and others. More than 15 segments!

The broadcast is scheduled for 18 February at 15:00
Live broadcast link: https://youtu.be/5A3dlvf6Av0

Register for the service: https://mailing.faberlic.com
Technical support: https://t.me/joinchat/Hoc12JoEoOEB7x3F

Alexey Bespyatykh, head of the Faberlic digital development department, will host the broadcast.
Alexey will talk about this new tool for your business with Faberlic and answer questions.