
Today’s world requires us to follow up the consequences of our actions. We simply cannot afford to consume the planet’s resources at the same rate as in the past.

Any global business starts small. Use this very minute to minimize the damage inflicted upon the Earth’s fragile ecosystem. Four simple steps mentioned below won’t take any big efforts from you. Start acting now!

Use eco-friendly products

We use cosmetics and household cleansers every day. The only thing that you need to do is to study market proposals and select a responsible manufacturer that takes care of the environment, does not test products on animals, maintains eco-friendly industrial processes and develops biodegradable formulas that are safe for water and soil around us. The brands of this type are not that rare, and Faberlic is among them. Find the proper products and support the proper trends!

Buy a shopping bag

We rarely think about the numerous plastic bags that are useless and extremely dangerous for the environment. We need them for 15 minutes only, while the decomposition process may take up to thousand years (depending on density), kill animals and birds, and result in the pollution of the global ocean. A simple solution is to have a shopping bag made of eco-friendly fabric. Carry it compactly folded wherever you go and don’t forget to say definite “no” to shop assistants asking whether you need a plastic bag to carry the bought items. A nice bonus: it saves your family budget too!

Contribute to natural resource recovery

By using Faberlic products, you finance ECA volunteers union that implements several ecological programs, with over 10 million trees planted since 2010 instead of those that have been illegally cut or damaged by forest fires. If you are willing to take personal part in conservation of woodlands, present a special gift to your friends or relatives. Buy a wood planting certificate that grants a gift of life to a forest friend!

Share information

If you know about a conveniently located separate waste collection center, the ways to consume less water and power, or a responsible manufacturer that offers high-quality products without any damage to the environment, share this valuable information with your friends and relatives. Promote eco-thinking principles in social nets to increase the number of people who are able to promote the new way of life. The world does not change overnight: your small yet important efforts will lead to impressive results one day!
