kislorod copyFaberlic’s test will help to identify whether your skin needs additional oxygen.

Calculate the aggregate number of points and you will have no doubts!

1. Where do you live?
in a small village or settlement – 0;
in a megalopolis – 2;
in a city with industrial enterprises – 1.


2. What is your attitude to smoking?
I am a smoker myself – 2;
my relatives smoke in my presence – 1;
I am lucky to stay away from the tobacco smoke – 0.

3. Do you drink coffee?
yes, more than two cups a day – 2;
I usually drink coffee only in the morning – 1;
very seldom, from time to time – 0.

4. How would you characterize your work?
it’s a never-ending battle with no rest – 2;
a group of the likeminded people – 1;
relaxation and pleasure – 0.

5. Do you lead an active life?
yes, but that’s solely due to work – 2;
I view jogging as the best exercise in the morning or evening – 0;
I try to spend time in the country or go to a fitness club, but do not always succeed in that – 1.

6. Do you have enough time for sleep?
of course, there is no compromise when it comes to sleep – 0;
I have a lot of things to do and almost never get enough sleep – 2;
sometimes I deviate from proper hours, but generally try to go to bed at the right time – 1.

7. What are your associations with a walk in the fresh air filled with the smell of pine needles and herbs?
habitual daily routine – 0;
the long-awaited holiday relaxation – 1;
a precious gift of the destiny – 2.

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0–4 points. Congratulations: you fall within the rare category of people who manage to combine favorite work and outside activities. You make healthy choices and probably don’t forget to treat skin to fresh air and high-quality beauty care.

5–9 points. A bit more and your skin will definitely suffer from the lack of oxygen. You are using your best efforts to lead a harmonious life, but the circumstances are too difficult to overcome. The oxygen treatment would be of great support for your beauty.

10–14 points. The situation is threatening. You need a good portion of oxygen as soon as possible. Prevent your skin from premature ageing – take care of it right now!

Legendary Oxygen Balm and Ice Spray will help your skin to recover and resist the unfavorable conditions. Its texture will improve day by day, and the dreams about healthy lifestyle will materialize sooner than you expected!