skin-skin-careAs you know, consistency is the cornerstone of success. Today doesn’t resemble yesterday but skin care and healthy nutrition rules are always the same!

7:00. Wake up and wash your skin with cleansing foam and micellar water, apply nourishing serum and follow with day cream, 20-30 minutes after – makeup. Use treated water instead of tap water or better replace it with ice cubes. 30 minutes before breakfast drink a glass of water with lemon juice and some honey.

8:00. Before leaving to work have a breakfast, eat Linen porridge or drink the коктейлем Breakfast cocktail, apply the moisturizing Ice Spray over your makeup.

9:00. Get ready for the work day: apply nourishing hand cream, do some stretching and drink a glass of water or green tea.

10:00. Do a gentle massage: wash your hands and run fingers over your forehead, cheeks and neck. Massage temples and back of the neck for a few minutes, as well as ears – it will help you collect your thoughts and get down to business.

11:00. Invigorating cocktail or cocoa for brunch!

12:00. Check your makeup: remove excess shine and freshen skin tone. In 30 minutes before lunch drink a glass of pure water.

13:00. Full lunch includes small helpings of several dishes. Include fresh vegetables, fruit and fermented dairy products. For example, plain yogurt can be a perfectly healthy salad dressing.

14:00. Time to set away your work and do several exercises for your neck, back and eyes. But no abrupt movements!

15:00. Don’t forget to drink another glass of water and renew the layer of lipstick or lip balm on your lips in the middle of the day.

16:00. Time to get a tasty and healthy snack – coffee fills you with energy and helps end a difficult day.

17:00. Some hydration for your hair – lightweight spray freshens up your hair and prevents dryness and drayed ends.

18:00. At the end of your work day make plans for tomorrow – you will return to it in the morning!

19:00. Light supper that includes rich protein dishes, such as steamed fish.

20:00. If you are at home, it’s time to remove makeup. A few more hours of freshness and deep breathing will do good for your skin. Use lotion or milk, follow with cleansing gel or mousse.

21:00. Just one face mask, and your skin looks fresh and renewed, while you still have a whole night of quiet - we hope so – sleep. Night cream should be applied in advance to allow it to absorb before you go to bed.

22:00. Better not to watch TV or read much before you go to sleep – listen to some quiet music or rainfall records.