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Legendary Oxygen is a series of skin care products developed based on a unique combination of the patented Aquaftem® complex and the copper tripeptide supermolecule. This is your guide to the world of beautiful and healthy skin!
The Expert Whitening series is effective products for targeted combating hyperpigmentation of any type. When used in combination, they help to quickly improve health of your skin, make its tone more even, lighten existing pigment spots and slow down the process of formation of new ones.
Серия на основе функциональных компонентов – это экспертное решение для каждого типа волос. Сохранить цвет после окрашивания, вернуть к жизни поврежденные пряди, добавить объема или избавиться от перхоти? Легко! Ведь Expert точно знает, чего хотят волосы!
A proper first aid kit should include more than just medications. It is important to be prepared for any everyday situation: bruises, sprains, joint pain, insect bites, or irritations.
Expert Pharma products based on effective natural ingredients will come to the rescue at the right time and quickly cope with specific tasks.
Gold harbors the luxurious secret of eternal beauty - and now it's available to everyone! The luxurious Bee Royal anti-aging care program with 24-carat gold and honey of the rare Apis cerana bee activates your skin's repair mechanisms, accelerates its renewal, and deeply nourishes it, filling cells with the precious energy of youth.
Collagen is protein of youth. It determines how elastic and dense our skin will be. However, with age, its production in body gradually slows down, and signs of aging appear. But there is a solution! Innovative Collagen O2 products with multimolecular collagen and oxygen complex restore synthesis of your own collagen, returning youth to skin.
The series based on natural ingredients - the people's choice for beauty and health. Products developed jointly with Faberlic Leaders and Independent Consultants are absolute bestsellers that are loved and in demand by customers.
Learn more in presentation!>>
Korean skin care trends have already conquered the whole world! Haven't tried any of them yet? It's time to fix it! Incorporate iSeul series, based on authentic Korean ingredients and considering European skin specifics, into your daily skin care routine. With them, achieving Chok Chok effect, your skin delightful healthy glow, is so easy!
Learn more in presentation>>
Effective skin care can be easy when it comes to Miss Skinni. It will turn serious daily care into pleasure for you and your skin! Innovative ingredients, unusual textures - the hottest trends in Asian cosmetics in the Miss Skinni series!
О важности омега-кислот для организма знают все, но что насчет кожи? Оказалось, что ей они нужны ничуть не меньше! Именно поэтому мы взяли 4 ценных источника жирных кислот омега-3, -6, -7 и -9 и создали на их основе серию Omegahit, которая подойдет для любого возраста и типа кожи.Средства стимулируют регенерацию, обладают общеукрепляющим действием и оказывают мощный антиоксидантный эффект. Мегапольза для кожи!