Leader's Income | Faberlic
Leader Income and Qualification Bonuses

Kv bonusi

You can develop your business and increase income in many different ways. Each Representative’s income consists of two components:

  • Profit equal to 20% or 26% difference between the product price for the Representative and the product price listed in the catalogue. 

Please note: a 20% discount is available for Representatives with Personal Volume of 50 points and less in the previous period and Newcomers. The minimum order amount for a 20% discount is 1000 rubles at catalogue prices.

A 26% discount is available for the Representatives with Personal Volume of 50 points and more in the previous period. The minimum order amount for a discount of up to 26% is 1000 rubles at catalogue prices.

For some products in the Faberlic catalogue (women's, men's and children's clothes, accessories, underwear and pantyhose), the maximum available discount for all Representatives is 20%.

  • Compensation for work of their team according to the Compensation plan (Volume Discount and bonuses).

You create your team and work with them as a Sponsor. You get a discount on products (20 or 26%) and commission from Representatives’ sales in your group. The growth in the number of Representatives in your team and their sales volume also increases your monthly compensation for effective work with your team.

Take advantage of all the opportunities Faberlic has to offer! You will move up the ladder of success, gain new experience, develop professionally, and increase your level of well-being.

The Faberlic Leader commission includes:

  • 20% or 26% discount on personal orders
  • Volume Discount for work with your Personal Group
  • Director bonuses for work of your Directors
  • Qualification Bonuses for reaching new ranks
  • Stability Bonus for stable work in the rank
  • Development Bonus for Leaders with the rank of Diamond Director and higher
  • Maternity Bonus.

From Preferred Buyer to Director

According to the terms of Faberlic Compensation Plan, the group volume discount is distributed to Representatives based on the difference between the percentage of their VD levels.

For example, Director is credited 23% group VD for the revenue of the Personal Group exceeding 3000 points. This VD will be distributed within their team.


  • If the team has Vice-Director (PGV is 1500 points, 15% VD), Director gets an 8 % difference (23-15)
  • If the team has Leader (PGV is 600 points, 9% VD) – 14 % (23-9), etc.

* The table uses an average value of a point - 120 rub.

The commission of each Representative consists of two components: the difference between the product price in the catalogue and the price for Representatives as well as compensations for work of the team. All types of compensation for the work of the team, apart from Qualification Bonus, are the discount on the purchase of products.

During payment for the order, money and bonuses on accounts are debited as follows:

  1. Promotional discount (% of debit depends on terms of the promotion for which the bonus has been credited). 
  2. Volume Discount (up to 65% of the order amount after the promotional discount for non-contracted Representatives is applied).
  3. Money on the personal account (the money is paid after all discounts are applied).

Faberlic Representatives may get compensation to settlement accounts after they sign the Contract for Product Sales Promotion, Stimulation, Support, and Expansion Services.

How to qualify for a new rank?

To qualify for the rank of Director, you need to hold Group Volume and Personal Volume corresponding to 23% Volume Discount level during any 8 periods for the last year: comply with the requirement to Personal Group Volume (PGV) of 3000 points and more and Personal Volume (PV) of 50 points and more.

A Leader with their 23% group from any level in your team may become your 1st level Director if there are no other Directors between you and their 23% group (i.e. a group achieving PGV of 3000 points and more in the valid billing period).

Calculating 23% group for a rank - Example:

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From Director to Senior Director

Director is the first significant rank of the Faberlic Leader and the first important step of the Success Ladder. It means that the Leader has made an important decision to develop their business in partnership with the Company.

Senior Director is more involved in specific details of the Compensation Plan, continues learning business processes, strengthens their team, works in the team, and is already close to a new rank.

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* If you achieved the rank of Director before, payment of Qualification Bonus will be 40,000 rub.

** To qualify for the rank of Senior Director, you either have to become Sponsor for one 23% group with Personal Group Volume (PGV) of at least 2000 points or to comply with the requirement to Personal Group Volume of 5000 points.

*** 50 points are the mandatory condition to be credited with Volume Discount. 100 points are required to get a Stability Bonus and to participate in the VIP and the Exquisite Trip programmes.

From Silver Director to Ruby Director

Silver Director is the qualitative transition step. While Director and Senior Director have become Leaders by themselves, Silver Director has grown Leaders. This Leader works only with the team and in the team and leads their Representatives to the result. Silver Director knows and understands how important their role of the Sponsor is.

Gold Director has grown 3 Leaders. It’s already a strong group that provides stability for the team. Gold Director forms a team of peers ready for new large-scale projects.

Ruby Director is the solid manager who grows whole teams: their team consists of 4 Director Groups. The rank of Diamond Director is ahead of them. Once an unreal dream becomes an achievable goal!

 Leader Income and Qualification Bonuses 3

*** 50 points are the mandatory condition to be credited with Volume Discount. 100 points are required to get a Stability Bonus and to participate in the VIP programme.

To get Director Bonuses in full, PGV of Silver Director shall be at least 3000 points. PGV listed in the table is the minimum limit required to get a rank and for the one-time qualification payment.

From Diamond Director to Senior International Director

Diamond Director is the professional manager. Not only their team but the whole company follow them. Diamond Directors have already grown 6 Leaders and manage the team consisting of 6 23% groups.

Elite Director is a completely new, honourable level of the Success Ladder. Such a Leader becomes a member of Faberlic Elite Team. To grow 9 Directors is an extreme effort and much more than just a manager. Elite Director develops not only their team but the region and the country as a whole. The mission of Elite Directors is to form opinions and mindsets of Representatives and Leaders in the Company.

National Director, Senior National Director, International Director, Senior International Director are special roles and positions. Such Leaders have the balance of internal discipline, self-organisation, and unlimited love for people. They are followed by large teams of people all over the world.


*** 50 points are the mandatory condition to be credited with Volume Discount. 100 points are required to get a Stability Bonus and to participate in the VIP programme.

From Partner to General Partner 

Leaders in the rank of Partner and higher are responsible not only for teams but also for the development strategy, development of programmes and methods together with employees of the company, and implementation of proprietary projects. 


* Diamond branch is the branch of a Representative in your team where the first level has Diamond Director for ranks up to Partner. You need to be the direct Sponsor of this Diamond Director for ranks from Senior Partner to General Partner. 

*** 50 points are the mandatory condition to be credited with Volume Discount. 100 points are required to get a Stability Bonus and to participate in the VIP programme.

Download Provision on JSC FABERLIC Loyalty Programme, Differentiated Discount>>

Watch Faberlic Compensation Plan

Leader's Income