You are trying to select another locale on the website. If you shift your locale, you will need to reset your cart and start it from scratch.
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You are trying to select another locale on the website. If you shift your locale, you will need to reset your cart and start it from scratch.
You are trying to navigate to another region of the site. Changes in the contents of the cart are possible
The calculation of the results for 14/24 period has been evaluated, the certificates by the service contract.
The signed certificates of service are only accepted signed through mobile app only.
If you have not installed Faberlic Cabinet app yet, feel free to download it at
We recommend installing and updating the app only using these links. This is the official source. This page is convenient to use both from your phone and computer.
If you face any problem with signing the Certificate through the mobile app, please contact Feedback to describe the situation.
Faberlic Team